Contrast Autumn/winter

Inspired by a tree in Kilmacurragh gardens, the Yellow man in a fig tree by Pauline Bewick and the sport wear in the Victorian era, I called this collection CONSTRAST, based on the idea of opposite shapes, colours and concept that I could see on my inspiration. Spiky leaves versus soft branches, vibrant versus matte colours and comfort versus long heavy sport dresses.

Bringing the idea to the designs…


Shapes and silhouettes

Sharp slanted hems, cross fronts in angle, pleats shaped into diamond and V neck lines influenced by the spiky and triangular leaves. Ruffles and gathered collars as wavy and curvy as the Yellow man. Puffy gathered skirts and sleeves like the silhouettes in the Victorian era.


Selection of fabrics

Kerry Woollen Mills herringbone wool fabric: the sharp shape and the character of the leaves of tree from Kilmacurragh gardens resembles the pattern, the texture and the colours of this fabric. Cotton and Cotton corduroy: The sport wear in the Victorian era used more functional fabrics as the dresses needed to be more comfortable, my challenge was making elegant and versatile designs with functional and comfortable fabrics.

Silk: Soft and yellow as the painting of Pauline.

And this is a bit of the story behind this collection for more details follow us on Instagram